
Hong Kong Mediator 可協助您選擇及同意合適的調解員進行非正式調解,或根據《實務指示 31-調解》中的法律程序草擬法院要求的「調解通知書」、「調解回覆書」及「調解證明書」。





二、您可最多選擇5名調解員,請使用右邊的方格選擇調解員。請使用以下的篩選器或關鍵字搜尋收窄調解員名單以切合您的需要 。





Hong Kong Mediator。




  • 當答辨人同意您提出的其中一位調解員,您將會立即收到電郵通知。被選中的調解員會盡快同時聯絡您們雙方去籌劃調解
  • 答辨人可能會不同意所有您所選的調解員,他們可向您另外提出其他調解員。屆時您將收到類似的電子郵件去選擇是否同意答辨人所選的調解員。


​Mediation Notice

The path to creating the mediation notice starts with it most important step: The choosing of the right mediator.


On the first page, a list of certified mediators will appear, together with filters to narrow down the best suited mediators according to the nature of your dispute.

  1. You can select up to 5 mediators that you feel are right by checking their box on their right hand of the page.   
  2. Use the drop-down filters or the keyword search at the top of the page to narrow your selection options.
  3. Once you feel you have a good selection you click the "View Selections" button at the bottom of the page, this will allow you to review your choice of mediators.
  4. Once you are happy with your selected mediators, click the 'Next' button at the bottom.
  5. A Sample Mediation Notice (following PD31 appendix C) will appear with highlighted options showing where you can edit and customize the Notice, including:
    • Which part of the dispute you want to mediate
    • WHICH MEDIATOR YOU WANT TO USE (already filled with your selection)
    • How to split mediation costs
    • When to start the mediation
    • Whether you need an interim stay of proceedings pending the mediation
    • Whether the pursuit of mediation is conditional to the stay of proceedings
  6. In the same page you will fill in your details and those of your Respondent and input the case number. This will automatically populate the draft MEDIATION NOTICE you will find in the next page.
  7. Click the 'Next' button at the bottom.
  8. Preview your Mediation Notice and ensure everything is correct. Click the 'Edit' button to go back and make changes.
  9. When you are happy with the Notice, click the 'Send' button. An email will be sent to the respondent (and CC'd to you) informing them that your Mediation Notice can be viewed online on HongKongMediator. 
  10. There is also a 'Print' button on this page: click this button to print a formatted copy of your Notice ready for signature and delivery by fax or other means.
  11. 'Hong Kong Mediator' will inform you when the respondent takes delivery of the Notice, and as soon as the Respondent creates and sends a Mediation Response. Please be sure to check your inbox regularly.